Meaning of Jenius?
Firstly, to state the obvious, my name is Jennie and many of my family and friends call me Jen. The I, represents you. The us, us. Jen (me), I (you) & Us. JENIUS.
In numerology terms, Jenius is equal to 6.
6 is the number representing balance, responsibility, love, family, home, nuturing and community. The Jenius Concept aims to provide a resource on all aspects of health and well being, keeping up to date with rapid developments, new knowledge and ressurection of old and ancient medicine linking in with modern sceince.
Balance represents having chakra alignment and a balance of mind, body and soul. Only when the three are in alignment can you obtain optimum wellbeing. Blockages in any area, whether physical, mental or spiritual can lead to ill health.
Love, family, home, nuturing and community all speak for themselves. In a time where we have become more and more disconnected, it is of the upmost importance to keep these aspects in our lives. It is after all what makes us human.
In Indonesian Jenius mean Wizard. I started to look at health a bit like wizardary. The more you go back to your roots, strip back all the unecessary noise, toxins and pollutants around us, the more you can be in touch with yourself, and start listening to your body.
There is no point eating a super healthy diet, if you run around 18 hours a day topping up with caffeine, ending the day with a bottle of wine and up to the eye balls in stress.
Something will have to give. So the Jenius Concept helps you be your own wizard, learn your own body and focus on individual need. It is about listening to your body, giving it the right conditions and creating the perfect spell for you.
Jenius is a playful play on the word Genius. Genius is defined as “exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability” or “ the prevailing character or spirit of something“.
In Latin Genius means ” attendant, spirit present from one’s birth, innate ability or inclination“. Genii is an attendant spirit of a person or place. A Genii is a person who influences another for good or bad (in this case only good). Jenius in Latin means Jeni.
The belief system of the ancient Romans included spirits that were somewhere between gods and humans, and were thought to accompany each person through their life as a protector. The Latin name for this spirit was genius, which came from the verb gignere, meaning to beget. In time, the meaning was extended to cover a special ability for doing something.
From a young age I wanted to be a nurse to be able to help and support people. Now I want to help people via education and empowerment. The concept is actually not genius at all, its fairly simple. In a time where information is at our finger tips and knowing where to start can be intimidating, confusing and daunting. The Jenius Concept aims to give you all the tools to a more fulfilled, healthier life, learning and growing along the way.