It was my own experience of health challenges that sparked my passion for Integrative Medicine.
During my journey into understanding my own health, I spent hundreds of hours researching and went down many rabbit holes. It was a time consuming process of learning from a combination of sources that led me to the answers I was looking for.
After being a Nurse for over 20 years, I realised that allopathic modern medicine was not always the answer, and sometimes the cause. I yearned for a discipline that looked at root cause of DIS-ease not just treating symptoms. Health and healing requires balance in mind, body and soul in order to be sustainable and the most powerful it can be. Integrative Health combines the follow modalities:
Functional Medicine: State of the art lab testing to pinpoint root causes
Orthomolecular Medicine: The right molecule, in the right amount. The science of vitamins and minerals as medicine
Ayurvedic Medicine: The science of life and body typing
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Unlocking natures wisdom. Herbology and energy practice
Eastern Based Philosophy: Using the mind to heal the body.
Naturopathy: Right “living" to rebalance and reverse illness
Bioregulatory: The science of self healing and rebalancing
I am excited to be offering individually designed protocols designed to address issues with diet, exercise, stress management, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, supplement advice and spiritual guidance.
All with one mission, to empower you to take control of your own health and healing journey.
I also offer traditional in person nursing services, see the Treatment Room for more details on Services Page.
Appointments can be in person or virtually. See services for more details on packages available.