The Integrative Health Approach, includes a full assessment of symptoms and past medical history using a variety of tools.
You will receive an individualised plan along with educational and ongoing support to optimise health and healing.
Integrative health empowers individuals to live in ways that foster health, promote well-being and prevent DIS-ease. It advocates for person centred health care that uses evidence based practice and uses appropriate preventative and therapeutic approaches.
Our bodies are an accurate navigational system that constantly informs us of our imbalances: emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, as well as our personal relationships and work life.
They are all interconnected, so paying attention to imbalances early on, can guide us into making wise choices, that ultimately lead us to a greater sense of inner peace and health.
“If you don’t take care of wellness, you will be forced to take care of illness”
What is Integrative Health?
Integrative Health combines 7 modalities:
Using the Integrative Health Approach we will focus on the following:
- Diet (also focusing on the digestion)
- Exercise
- Stress Management
- Toxin Removal (including gut health)
- Rest
- Emotional Balance
- Supplements
- and Spirituality (DESTRESS).
What is it?
- A whole system approach which puts you at the centre, incorporating every aspect of your life which impacts health and well being. This includes relationships, enviroment, mind/body connection, personal and professional development as well as diet and exercise.
- Creating a partnership using an evidence based approach that support sustainable change between client and coach.
- Progress orientated health assessment using various tools. These are then translated into achievable steps to improve health and wellbeing.
- Goal specific: measureable, action orientated goals and a step by step plan to support your process.
- Education and sharing of knowledge to empower ongoing change and development.
What is included?
- Diet Protocols
- Exercise Routines
- Stress Reduction Techniques
- Toxin Removal
- Gut and Digestive Health
- Functional Medicine Detox Protocols
- Advice on lab tests that may guide your healing in the correct direction.
- Resetting Sleep Patterns
- Shutting Off Fight/Flight
- Healing Emotions
- Supplement Regimens
- Foundational Support
- Spiritual Guidance
- Developing a Success Mindset
“Let food be my medicine and medicine be thy food” Hippocrates
The role that nutrition plays not only in the restoration of health but also the maintenance of health cannot be overstated.
Going back as far as the times of Hippocrates, it was the steadfast belief that food should be the primary medicine.
In the last century we have seen a dramatic drop in infectious disease and lower rates of nutrient deficiencies in the Western world, but this came with a trade-off. As the incidence and mortality caused by infectious disease significantly decreased, the rates of chronic lifestyle-related diseases have risen.
The philosophy of Integrative Health is that one’s health is an expression of the complex interplay between the physical and chemical, mental and emotional, as well as spiritual and environmental aspects of one’s life and being.
As such, professionals who are trained in Integrative Health and healing do so from a whole-person perspective, considering the balance of the holy trinity “mind, body and soul”. This requires fully engaging the individual in their health recovery process and honoring their innate wisdom by working in an empowering and cooperative manner to chart a course to optimal health.
How does it work ?
The consultation process:
Support will be over 4 appointments and 12-16 weeks.
- On booking you will be sent a Health Questionaire to complete and return or send automatically via webpage. You will then be able to make an appointment in person or virtually.
- Consultation 1: A detailed case history is taken which will cover your medical history, past and present dietary patterns, digestion, sleeping patterns, emotional and physical stressors (60 minutes).
- In this consultation, appropriate dietary and lifestyle recommendations will be made to help address nutrient imbalances and relieve presenting symptoms and any lab tests which may be helpful to undertake.
- Consultation 2: 4 weeks after 1st consultation (6 weeks if labs are requested).You will be given a detailed plan to follow and advice on any supplementation or actions to take (60 minutes).
- Consultation 3: Will review progress and make changes if needed (30 minutes).
- Consultation 4: Advice on maintainence and any changes that need to be made based upon progress or change in symptoms (30 minutes).
- Further ongoing monthly coaching is available if needed.
- You will be given information and teaching so you can take control of your health and make appropriate choices in the future.
- You will receive a written plan to improve diet and overall health with follow up and ongoing support.
Cost: €225 (not including lab test cost/supplements)
Individual one off coaching €50 (60 minutes)
We do not diagnose, treat or cure disease. Integrative Health Coaching offers education and support on adopting a healthy lifestyle to optimise health and heal.
Want to know more?
Get in touch.